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Freedom of Self Expression - June Online Healing Circle

With 2 eclipses June is full of energy to help support us in waking up to the truth of who we are. One of the key energetic themes of June is "Freedom of Self Expression". The current events at play in the US reflect that theme and it's up to each of us to find our voice so we can build the brave new world that awaits us post pandemic. The shifts we see taking place on the main stage of the world right now center around the release of 3rd dimensional paradigms and constructs that have been used to control and limit us for generations. We are now shifting into 5th dimensional consciousness.

5th dimensional consciousness is all about sovereignty and the realization that we can learn to create our own realities. One of the first ways we can learn to anchor 5th dimensional consciousness is through the opening of the heart and throat towards freedom of self expression. We can begin to live in our creatorship by speaking and expressing ourselves with integrity and in alignment with our soul’s truth.

In this month’s healing circle, we will be exploring the many facets of true freedom of self expression. We will work with Archangel Michael, other ascended masters and beings to open up and release any energies of persecution, trauma, judgement and lack of integrity that keep us separated from our true self and expressing ourselves freely.

Each month we will gather online to explore a brand new healing activation topic. These will be direct transmissions from Katie’s guides and will help you to align and harmonize with the energetic shifts present each month.

Sliding Scale Cost: $25, $30 or $35

25% of proceeds from this event will go to support two charities(one national and one local in Charlotte, NC) that support people of color.

An online platform and organization that utilizes research based policy solutions to end police brutality in America

Sanctuary in the City is a “black-led, woman led organization founded with the awareness of the need for accessible, safe, and affirming healing spaces for Black indigenous people of color. Growing and healing from race-based trauma and stress through focus on the whole self, for all BIPOC, is the primary purpose of this organization.

May 13

The Subtle Art of Surrender - May Online Healing Circle

June 23

Summer Solstice Celebration - Outdoor Yoga and Sound Bath