Level 1: The Solo Journey - Monthly Payment Option

$174.00 every month for 2 months

Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to the Thinkific Learning Portal and information on how to set up your account. Through your account you will receive lifelong access to the course. This correspondence may be directed to your junk mail folder. If you don’t receive them within 24 hours, please notify our Zen Fairy: calli@zenwithinacademy.com


Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to the Thinkific Learning Portal and information on how to set up your account. Through your account you will receive lifelong access to the course. This correspondence may be directed to your junk mail folder. If you don’t receive them within 24 hours, please notify our Zen Fairy: calli@zenwithinacademy.com

Upon registration, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to the Thinkific Learning Portal and information on how to set up your account. Through your account you will receive lifelong access to the course. This correspondence may be directed to your junk mail folder. If you don’t receive them within 24 hours, please notify our Zen Fairy: calli@zenwithinacademy.com

Level 2: The Guided Journey Plus - Single Payment
The 4 Etheric Bodies Full Series
Channeling the Ascended Masters
Level 2: The Solo Journey - Single Payment
Level 2: The Solo Journey - Monthly Payment Option
$174.00 every month for 2 months